Some highlights since I started that I would like to share.
- The number one posting of all the postings is "Revised Posting of May the Force Be With You SPOILER ALERT" for 63 view count. Earlier this year it was 32, wow! I must have lots of Star Wars fans out there and glad that they like it so much. If you know someone that is a fan of Star Wars please share the post with them.
Need I say More = 39 view count
Some Latter-Day Saints Laughter= 38 view count - It goes everywhere around the world and is still as strong as ever in the USA.
- United States2791Russia135Germany50Malaysia45Netherlands31Ukraine20United Kingdom16Israel15France11Latvia10
- United States3503Russia297Germany162France63Malaysia47United Kingdom44Netherlands41Ukraine37Romania29Serbia24
Windows is still number 1 Pageview Operating System.
Internet Explorer is still number 1 Pageview by Browsers.
Number one search keyword Kdog time of thought with only 34. Not much difference than earlier.
Number one referring sites is still Facebook which increase from 302 to 330.
Referring URL is now
Earlier at the time of this posting my overall page view count was 3,336 and now its 4,719! An increase of 1,383!!
Thanks again for everyone that has put into taking your time into reading my
postings. Its YOU that is important. Without you reading my
postings, there would be no blog. I'm just glad for the readers that is out
there. What a way to share my thoughts about good up lifitng things! If you
know of anyone that you would think be interested in reading my postings, let
them know about this site. The more readers the better.