Monday, April 23, 2018

We are all hypocrites in one way or another.

I feel at times I can be a hypocrite.  That I say one thing to someone and yet not mean what I say.  Such as when I say I love everyone in the world.  There are some people that I just have a hard time loving or even liking.  Even those who are my friends I have a hard time telling them that I love them only because I don't know how they will react when I say it.  As much as when I unfriend someone or treat someone in a bad way makes me think afterwords that I am being a hypocrite. 

Being a hypocrite is not really a good thing to be.  It is hurtful to say one thing to someone and turn your back on them the next second.  Such as saying "I love you" and then later turn around and saying to someone else " I don't really love them".  

I think we are all hypocrites in some way or another.  None of us are 100% perfect humans.  At times we say things we don't really mean and say something else.  Christ can help us from being hypocrites. We turn to him and try to better ourselves and less of being hypocrites to ourselves and those around us.

We have to be true to ourselves and mean what we mean when we say something. 

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Enjoyed this last General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Being part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is a great feeling to have.  Every 6 months is General Conference where we get to listen to the prophet and the rest of the General leaders of the church.  This past General Conference was quite a shocker.  Changes we being made.

One change is that Elders Quorum and High Priests Quorum will now be combined into one quorum.  So essentially have all the men 18 and older into one quorum.  The only time you will not be in the quorum is when serving in the Bishopric, Stake Presidency, High Council or a Patriarch.  That will be good change to happen.

The second change is that Home Teaching/Visiting Teaching will no longer be used.  Now we will be known as Ministering Brothers or Ministering Sisters.  We will still visit our families and see how they are doing.

Several temples being built.  One in Russia and Layton, Utah will be great.