Sunday, February 6, 2011

Families are important in this life.

I don't no what its like to have children of my own yet but, I'm sure when I do I'll be busy with them. 

For those who do have children of their own are busy with them and dealing with work, school and church duties.  They struggle everything in their life to manage equally.  I know that families come first before friends and social life.  For the friends will come and go and are not living there at the house but, the family will always be there and will always need your attention.
  • Getting breakfast, lunch, dinner made.
  • Cleaning the bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, living room, etc.
  • Taking care of pets.
  • Washing windows
  • Sweeping and moping floors.
  • Taking out the garbage.
  • Putting stuff away.
  • Helping with school projects, school homework.
  • Going to recitals, sports (practices, games, tournaments).
  • Reading a book.
Sometimes I forget that they have to do these things, not all of them but, at least several of them.  I have tons of time on my hands and wonder why they don't reply back then I have to realize of what I typed in earlier.  I know that they don't forget about me or want me to feel bad for I will be as busy as they are when that time comes. 

Spend time with your family (spouse, children, siblings, in laws, relatives) for they are only here on the earth for a short time for you never know when it will be their time to leave and head back to the home to where they came from. 

Families are being torn apart and when families are being torn apart the fabric of society falls apart.
  • Parents leaving their children in day care centers to long.
  • Children and spouse being abused.
  • No communication between family members.
  • Divorces happening more frequent then in the past.
  • Parents going on expensive trips frequently and forgetting their children needs.
  • etc.
Families are important to society as a whole and individual.  Parents need to tend to their needs of the children.  Their is greater love, peace, harmony when families are together.  Children are important and they are the future generation of us living as adults as this time. For when we die, they will be left in charge of the society. 

The Lord has trust us as parents to take care of his children while here on earth.  For if we do we will be blessed in ways that we can't imagine and when we don't take care of his children properly, then the wrath of the Lord will not be good and will have to face the judgement bar to report on how we did our duties. 

Love your children be there for them for they are only so young at a short time for then they will be in turn taking care of you. 

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