Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My final thoughts on 10th Anniversary of 9/11.

I just want to end with some last few comments on 9/11 that just came to my mind these last few days.

Flight 93-  They had the courage to stand up to the terrorists from reaching their destination.  They knew from what they learned, that we down here on the American soil was depending on them up there in the sky.  As Todd put it "Lets Go!"  From what happened they saved millions of other lives here on the ground being killed.  They were heroes and died for what they did.  From that deal now we know that if a passenger is acting weird or in a threatening way they will get the notion that we will not let whatever they have planned happen.  We as the traveling public are more noticeable of what happens instead of just sitting back and relaxing back. 

     How things have changed over the 10 years:
  • More security at airports, by taking off shoes and having pat downs, not being able to walk to the gate to pick someone up or drop someone off, liquids to a 5 oz. bottle or less, for a time shortly after military presence with F-16 guns, having the federal government take over Airport Screening by hiring TSA Agents and making a new department (Homeland Security).
  • Being searched when entering Conference Center, City/Federal Courthouses, Attending any sporting events or any other big event to draw a big crowd.  Walking through a magnetometer and hoping it doesn't go off on you. 
  • A lot of patriotism shortly after the event and then went away a few months to a few years later. 
  • Had the Security Color Code from Blue being All Clear and then Red being Danger is imminent, but never quite got to Blue or Red only stayed in the middle Orange or Yellow.  Since it wasn't as effective as thought it would be they ended the Security Code and replaced it with something else instead.
  • For those who are Muslim or Muslim belief have been targeted as hate crimes.
  • We haven't had another 9/11 attack since then.
  • Osama Bin Laden been killed. 
  • Patriot Act is formed.Federal Government wanting to have more power and as the citizens of the US we have given up some of our rights and freedoms just to be safe. 
  • Terror attacks still happen around the world.   
In another 10 years it will be the year 2021, I'll be 46 years old then and I will remember what happened on that day.  Most of the young children will be in the middle adult lives and will want to know what happened on that day.  For those who were born after 9/11 won't really have a concept on why 9/11 is so important to us.  We will have to tell our children and their children of what happened on that day.  Its already in one of my school books.  This is an important event that happened to us, yes we need to move on, but we must never forget what happened on that day.  Make sure that the memories of those who died will live on in our lives!

     Will you still remember what happened on that day when it will be 20 year anniversary of 9/11/01? 


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